Wednesday, July 27, 2005

floooof booblies :D

hahahah guess what, the dish washer stuffed up and this is what happened:


hahah tried to draw the devondale cow...probably doesn't look as good as the real thing though

sigh, this is what happens when my sister comes back to melbourne. our larder gets stuffed and there's always something to eat

went back to MLC just now for a bit but didn't manage to take any pictures of my old boarding school :( will definitely be going back there sometime soon, glenferrie road has changed so much since i was last there! went to see if they needed ESL/Maths tutors, i felt so old when i walked in there and there was this huge tiddeman house poster with my face on it...sigh. and i looked fat too.

i hate having a round face. i always look so fat in photos. hmpf.


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