has been completely shit for many MANY reasons.
because it involves work and i believe in blogging responsibly, i shall save my comments about the working environment for later. like when i finish my internship.
there will be complaints.
but in a bid to be more optimistic, i'm going to blog about the highlights of my day :D
first, there was this super big grumpugg (grumpy + ugly = grumpugg) who despite being seriously cute, perpetually looks like someone's stepping on his tail.
but in a bid to be more optimistic, i'm going to blog about the highlights of my day :D
first, there was this super big grumpugg (grumpy + ugly = grumpugg) who despite being seriously cute, perpetually looks like someone's stepping on his tail.
but of course, i'd be grumpy too if i was moulting.
and then there was lunch with justin. and us making silly faces in the car.
hurf. i realise i look somewhat like a pig.
but justin looks like an idiot so we're even lol.
ooh and i haven't had the chance to show off my new toy :)
isn't it real pretty?
i got home and remembered that we have a huge amount of CNY cookies in the larder yet to be eaten :D
and then me and my sister started baking :)
forgot that the cookies would melt so much and ended up with joint cookies.
the end result was a bit flat but really nyummy :)
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I don't know about you, but fake studded diamonds don't tickle my fancy. But what about this puppy?
aih... missing CNY for da 7th year in a row... man... all those biscuits... =P
x: sigh. boys. those are CRYSTALS not diamonds *smacks forehead*
ewww the 8800 is really ugly!!! gimme a clamshell anytime!
chungers: lol bake some lar, its not too hard
I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one. The 8800 is what North Americans call 'PIMP'.
But I can stand corrected on the crystals part. If the photo was so bad.... :P
kinda ironic u know... im a chef ni can cook... but i cant bake... =P
x: to each his own i guess.
oh shut up :P i know i suck at taking photos
chungers: i think bakings simpler than cooking! just follow ingredients only what
Hi, don't know how I came across your blog but I wanted to tell you your cat either has fleas and is allergic or has some other skin problem.
Cats shouldn't have bald spots. You might want to take him to a vet.
dianne: thanks :) twitch has already been taken to the vet but its been difficult to do something about it.
true true... nothing chef chungers cant whip up! =P
correction....major correction...twitch is MY CAT! MINE! *hmpf*
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